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Community Involvement

JBA Surveys are actively involved in the local community through various sporting groups and local clubs.


JBA Surveys are current sponsors of the Curtin Uni Wesley Football Club with a number of our staff actively involved with the club in social, playing and administration roles.


JBA Surveys support various fund raising events at the club.




JBA Surveys have also provided line marking and surveying services to the Victoria Park Rovers Junior Soccer Club (now Curtin University Football Club) over the last 10 years having assisted in the layout of playing pitches and positioning of goals.


JBA provide detailed layout plans and dimensions for all of their soccer pitches which are utilised by hundreds of junior soccer players every weekend.


JBA Surveys are active in the ongoing education of students at Curtin University and Central TAFE where surveying courses are offered, both as Bachelor and Diploma. JBA supply Central TAFE with a complimentary VRS GPS license for the students to utiilise for training and study.

JBA also provide a similar service to Curtin University along with a stream of all of the RAW data from our GPS CORS station. Curtin uses this data in their GNSS research centre to monitor continental movement and water table fluctuations. JBA staff also provides an annual field demonstration to Curtin students of the VRS GPS service in operation.

JBA Surveys Licensed Surveyors are all members of SSSI (Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute) and attend regular professional development seminars as described by the Land Surveyors Licensing Board (LSLB)

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